This makes the download size much smaller
[center][img] [b]WARNING: This is a 64-bit version only.[/b] The only Sims 4 repack that allows you to download only what you need! It is compatible with my previous repack, so you won’t have to download the same one twice. You can install it on any version of the game, no matter where you got it!
Skip “base-filesxbin”
[b]In short:[/b] Already have the base game? Already have the DLC? Skip them!
Then run “_setup-160541020exe”
Longer instructions in README.txt. “no-origin-fix-” is a crack from CODEX! The password is “origin-fix”.
It’s only for 64 bit exe file!
Just in case your antivirus removes it and you have to unpack it manually. “no-origin-fix-” is based on the RELOADED crack – it’s for people who get the “Hello ;)” error when running the CODEX crack. Just rename it to “no-origin-fix-” and both the installer and the DLC installer will be able to use it.
Thanks to Razor12911 for pZlib and XTool!
[b]DLC Included:[/b] Outdoor Vacation Pack Get Started Luxury Party Stuff Perfect Patio Stuff Spa Day Cool Kitchen Stuff Spooky Stuff Get Together Movie Conversation Stuff Romantic Garden Stuff Dine Out Kids Room Stuff Backyard Stuff City Life Retro Glamour Stuff Vampires Bowling Nighttime Stuff Parenting Fitness Stuff Toddler Stuff Cats & Dogs Laundry Daytime Stuff Jungle Adventure My First Pet Seasons Become Famous WandererVille Island Living Stuff Moschino Stuff Realm of Magic Discover University Tiny Living Stuff Pack
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